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Day 1

By March 2, 2010March 13th, 20224 Comments

All that which ye potentially posses can, however, be manifested only as a result of your own volition. Your own acts testify to this truth. ~Baha’u’llah

Today is day one of the nineteen day Baha’i fast. A fast in which Baha’is abstain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk everyday for nineteen days. I am exempt from fasting because I am still breastfeeding. But since the purpose of the fast is spiritual in nature, I decided today that I would fast from my own self-deprecating self-depressing idleness. My goal is to take a picture every evening of the fast. God help me.


  • Slamdunk says:

    Fantastic images.

  • dreamsforpeace says:

    I think that these have a lot to do with your recurring thing of working with eclipsed souls. That is what they reminded me of anyway.

  • QueenHoneyB says:

    “self-deprecating self-depressing idleness” Wow, that about sums up how I have been feeling lately/viewing myself lately as well.

    • Juliet says:

      hey honey, it is good to hear from you! I know I have fallen into that state of semi depression a number of times when I feel like I am not doing anything (in the time that I have when the kids go to sleep) of value, and so this time I thought i needed a small goal that would challenge me a little and help me to develop myself. It is definelty staving off the depression!

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