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Day 19

By March 20, 2010March 13th, 20223 Comments

“There are certain forms of work which are beyond human endurance and others which are within it; and these differ according to the early environment and training of the individual…The struggling, winning, successful man is he who accustoms himself to the accomplishment of those things which are considered to be beyond human endurance. Only a soul thus great can stand the tests of life and come out of the crucible pure and unspotted.” ~Attributed to ‘Abdu’l-Baha


  • daretoevolve says:

    What a great quote to end on:

    “The struggling, winning, successful man is he who accustoms himself to the accomplishment of those things which are considered to be beyond human endurance.”

    You set a goal you knew would probably be a struggle. You succeeded. You must be someone who accustoms themselves to those things which are considered beyond human endurance.

    19 days. Accomplished. And merely a door opening to so much more I imagine. To the love of my life, you are an absolute inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey, in this special time, with us!


  • dreamsforpeace says:

    Thank you for the last 19 days. It was really something that I looked forward to each day, to wake up to your blog was quite inspiring. Looking forward to your next project.

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