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Day 2

By March 3, 2010March 13th, 20227 Comments


  • epicswife says:

    Beautiful Pictures!!!

  • daretoevolve says:


  • Ryan Telfer says:

    I stumbled upon this post sometime during the fast and was immediatley drawn to smoking. Quitting was something I had been thinking about and a number of circumstances leading towards quitting had come together, but this quote is really what pushed me over the edge. I have not had a cigarette for over a week now and I love it. It brings me so much freedom and joy. I don’t feel like I’m home free yet, but I’m confident I can make it. I now have a screenshot of the bottom picture and the quote as my desktop for a reminder. Thanks for finding this quote and sharing it. I know I was meant to see it, but i felt like you should share in this victory for me.

  • Ryan Telfer says:

    What is the source of this quote? I keep telling people about it and they want to know.

    • Juliet says:

      Hey ryan, I read it on page 213 of the book, “Fire and Gold” that is a Baha’i book of quotes compiled by Brian Kurzius.

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