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Day 6

By March 7, 2010March 13th, 20225 Comments


  • Richard says:

    I was actually wondering how you were going to move from Day 1 theme, i.e., how you would resolve the question of light. This is an extremely elegant way of doing it.

  • johanna says:

    I am so down with this train of thought – it’s a thought I’ve been doing a lot of ‘feeling’ about in the past several months – it’s a thought that totally fascinates me~! And you expressed it so eloquently as always. Love it. Love you.

  • dreamsforpeace says:

    Well, what I have been thinking is that one of your gifts in life is the ability to deal with eclipsed souls, and that is because you can see another person’s light despite the current condition of mostly darkness. In day 1 it seemed to me that the eclipses have reappeared in your work so I was thinking to myself, “I wonder how Juliet is going to bring the eclipse to more light.” The problem in dealing with an eclipse, as Baha’u’llah, has stated, is that if the full power of one’s light were to be revealed to them, then they would burn out because it is just too powerful. So I see that you are trying to work this out. In these photos it is obvious to me that there is just enough light so that whatever you have to deal with can be done in a beautiful way. The person is not overwhelmed by the light.

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