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Little Birthday Felt Mouse

By September 18, 2007March 13th, 20223 Comments


  • Celestia says:

    Hiya Juliette, I just love all of the felt bits-of-goodness you make…inspires me to play around with it too!!!! Or perhaps wait until I have children of my own 🙂

  • ValĂ©rie says:

    I’m French and I’ve just come across your blog and I must tell you I’ve found what I’ve been looking for for weeks, this little mouse is exactly the replica of a mouse from a nice kid book my son is fond of.
    Can you send me the pattern, even if it’s not very detailed, just to know how to get this “triangle” shape, I’ll manage with the ears and tail.

    Thank you in adavance for your help.

  • Sondra Ehret says:

    when i was a kid, i love to receive an assortment of birthday presents like teddy bears and mechanical toys ,:-

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