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By March 21, 2010March 13th, 20223 Comments


  • leila says:

    Although I’ve never spent time with you in person, I feel like I know you so, so well, and I am SO GRATEFUL to God that you exist in this world, that you write and post your photographs on the internet, and that there is a remote possibility that I will meet you one day. So many thanks, so much love.

  • ANGIE ROUT says:

    thank you for your beautiful photos and quotes. I read them throughout the fast and really loved seeing them. I know you can do 1/2 an hour a day!

  • mudspice says:

    Yes!! Yes! Yes! Yes!

    This is exactly what is a realistic attainable goal for a busy, tired mother. Half an hour a day. I want to try that too.

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